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Weed Control Services in Lawrenceburg, TN

Get Healthier Grass With Expert Weed Control

Serious weed infestations are a sign of poor soil, but even the healthiest lawn can benefit from professional weed control. Turfworx offers superior weed control methods that are expertly customized, properly controlled, and perfectly timed to keep your Lawrenceburg property's lawn in top condition .

Hiring a weed control specialist can help you get ahead of the weeds in your yard and offers a number of benefits:

  • Improved appearance for a lush and healthy lawn
  • Reduced competition with grass for water and nutrients
  • Prevents damage to your lawn and protects its root structure
  • Creates healthy play areas
  • Long-term savings and improved property value

Turfworx is the local, family-owned lawn care & landscaping company that you can trust for quality weed control and lawn care services in Lawrenceburg and the neighboring Tennessee Valley area communities. We offer affordable rates, exceptional customer service, and up-front pricing - and we're fully licensed, insured, and bonded for added peace of mind. Call us today to request a free quote!

Protect Your Yard With Weed Control Services

Preemergent herbicides can take care of those annoying weeds, and applications in the winter and early spring are the most important. Being weed-free will also help speed up your lawn's greenup, making your turf look its best for as long as possible.

At Turfworx, we offer several different lawn programs to get and maintain the look you want, regardless of grass type. Whether you have Bermuda grass, fescue, zoysia, or Kentucky bluegrass, our exclusive lawn treatment program provides the right balance of weed control and fertilizer to help maximize the grass you have while significantly reducing your weeds. Our weed control and fertilizer program is a lawn prescription that will give you a healthier, thicker, and much greener yard!

Transform your outdoor space

get started on your dream yard today!

Superior Weed Control & Other Lawn Care Services

Turfworx is the number one choice for superior weed control, turf maintenance, and lawn care services in the Tennessee Valley area. A few of the many services we offer include:

  • Existing lawn revitalization
  • Weed control
  • Overseeding
  • Mowing and mulching
  • Total lawn renovation
  • Aeration
  • Seasonal cleanups

We're committed to providing our customers in Lawrenceburg, Athens, and the surrounding communities with a beautiful lawn that is at its full potential throughout the year. Let us help you take back your weekends - call us today to request a free quote.

Frequently Asked Landscaping Questions

  • Why Is Professional Weed Control Better Than Buying Chemicals At The Home Improvement Store?

    Hiring a weed control professional can save you time and money - and help prevent a DIY disaster. While the home improvement stores sell weed and feed products, a lawn care services professional can expertly customize, time, and control applications to deliver exactly what your Lawrenceburg lawn needs. There's no need to battle crowds, haul heavy supplies, or worry about damaging your lawn. Our weed control pros at Turfworx deliver quality results that are far superior to DIY methods.

  • Can I Cut My Grass After A Weed Control Treatment?

    There is no set answer to this question because it will depend on the time of year and the type of weed control treatment you've had. For springtime treatments, we recommend waiting at least 24 hours or more to maximize your application and give your treatment time to activate. The best course of action is to talk to your lawn care services professional. At Turfworx, we offer weed control, mowing, and turf maintenance services to keep your Lawrenceburg property in top condition.

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